Steps to a Sustainable Christmas - Part 1

Eco Friendly Christmas Cards β™₯️

Did you know that approximately ONE BILLION Christmas cards are sent every single year……and that’s just in the UK!

We agree that, yes, they are a heartfelt gesture and a time to reach out to loved ones to let them know they are in your thoughts, but…..what happens to them once they are finished with….are they actually recycled, or even able to be recycled?

These days, we are all much more aware of our impact on the environment so finding sustainable and eco friendly Christmas cards should definitely be on the to do list if you are considering sending them this year.

Here are a list of a few things to look for when buying your Christmas cards:

  1. Are they made in the UK?

  2. Avoid plastic and glitter! Although glitter can add a twinkle, it is made from plastic and will not break down….. it will kick around our planet for hundreds of years, damaging it for many more.

  3. Are the cards made from sustainable paper? They could be made from Kraft paper that is created from recycled fibres and is fully recyclable. They could also be made from β€˜new’ pulp…...if so, make sure that this comes from responsibly managed forests (generally this key information will be made clear by the FSC certification logo or equivalent text on the back of each card).

  4. High quality, hand crafted Christmas cards can be a gift in itself. Plantable Christmas cards can be a fantastic option if you are looking for a zero-waste, durable card with a dual-purpose. Instead of these ending up in landfill, you can then plant them and create a meadow/wildflower patch in your garden or in plant pots.

    By choosing this option you are:

    • Sending a meaningful card that also acts as a gift… in one post

    • Gifting a zero waste item that can be admired and then reused by planting it

    • Spreading the love far and wide whilst also helping the bees and butterflies

    When choosing this option, try to make sure that the paper is made in the UK and that the seeds are native, high quality seeds to ensure a happy habitat for our bees and a good germination success.

Making a sustainable choice on your Christmas cards (and gift tags) is an easy way to leave a positive and even possibly a lasting impact during the festivities.


Unwrapping an Earth Kind Christmas: Thoughtful Gifts for a Conscious Celebration


North Devon Zero Plastic Businesses