Plastic Free July

This month is Plastic Free July - an amazing initiative to join millions of people on a mission to reduce their plastic use and waste.

It is so heartbreaking to see the footage and images of the plastic problem in the media, but, what it has done is to help us to understand the sheer severity of the problem and to appreciate the need for us all to play our part.

It may sound like a clichΓ© but any small swaps and changes in reducing your plastic consumption really will have an impact.

To kick off, below are a few very simple ideas of some relatively β€˜small’ and easy switches you can make at home:

🧼 Natural bar soap not bottled soap

πŸ’¦ Swap your washing up brush for a compostable sponge, or cotton dishcloth

πŸ₯£ Phase out any clingfilm and use beeswax wraps, or, just cover dishes with a plate in the fridge

πŸ’§ Use a local refill shop or service

πŸ› Take your own shopping bags

🚰 Carry a refillable water bottle

If possible, try to buy from independents who have a sustainable and ethical approach. By doing this, not only are you helping the environment, you are also helping our own economy and reducing your carbon footprint. I will be featuring a few of my favourite sustainable businesses, along with some organisations, all doing their bit in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, do check out Plastic Free North Devon for ideas on what you can do at home, or as a business. You can also find details of any upcoming beach cleans and events in the coming months.

How will you kick off your Plastic Free July?

L x


North Devon Zero Plastic Businesses


Exmoor on Two Wheels